About Com‑Span
Who we are and how we started.
Our Mission
Com-Span Inc. provides day programming for adults living with disabilities. The following statement further describes the mission.
Com-Span provides specialized day programs that:
- Present opportunities for individuals to participate in recreational activities, engage in the community and enjoy social relationships;
- Support individuals to participate in those opportunities with an on-site nurse, professional and para-professional staff and adaptive equipment to enhance mobility, communication and daily functioning.
Our Vision
Com-Span: seeking a future where everyone enjoys life as accepted and equal community members.
Our Membership
Com-Span welcomes people who are interested in furthering our Mission to become members of the organization. If you are interested in becoming a member of Com-Span click here to download the application.
Discovery our history…
Com-Span Inc. arose out of parents’ desires for the best of lives for their children. The history of Com-Span Inc. is the history of social equality for people with disabilities.
We focus on the following core values:
All individuals are entitled to opportunities to grow and to contribute to society. We support all with whom we work with kindness, caring and compassion in order for them to enjoy life as accepted and equal community members.
We, at Com-Span, recognize our impact on others and the world around us. Each voice is heard and appreciated, and our actions and reactions to people reflect that we hold each individual in high regard.
Com-Span strives to model the empathy and fairness that will make the community a better place to live, work and play for everyone. We recognize and embrace our role in helping our community to be more accepting and welcoming of all people, particularly those living with disabilities.
Organizational Excellence
Com-Span offers services and programs that are informed by the input of the individuals we serve and by evidence-based best practice. Thoughtful stewardship of resources, mutually beneficial partnerships and a positive work ethic make Com-Span a strong, sustainable and viable organization. Com-Span pursues growth, but not at the expense of the integrity of services.

Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors and Executive Committee are made up of volunteers who bring a wide array of skills and expertise to the task of governing a not-for- profit organization.
The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the best interests of the program participants are protected and for oversight of management, finances and other activities involving Com-Span.
Com-Span holds an Annual General Meeting generally in the late summer or early fall. The AGM is open to the general public.
If you are interested in becoming part of Com-Span’s Board of Directors please email us for more information.
Executive Members
Debbie Slobogian-Jones – President
Clint Kehler – Treasurer
General Board Members
Haaris Uddin
Mariane Riding
Darcy Wilson
Megan Kozyra
Emilie Takwa